A visit to the track the day after the final event.

How long has it been? July 3? I'm falling behind almost too much to catch up on but I'll try.
(Quick note, seem my old favorite blogging software BLOGO doesn't support the new Mac OS 10.7, so I'm giving MarsEdit a try until……. BLOGO comes up with an updated version, I find something cheaper <$39.00-ouch> , the 30 day trial is up and I have to buy.)
But I digress, back to orginal story line.
The 5 race BCTRA Kevin Mcnicholas Memorial Short Track Racing Series has come & gone As schedule would have it, I only had the opportunity to attend the 4 Friday night sessions, but I'll take what I can get. How can you even begin to look back at those 4 night of action? The racing was hot (so was the weather for the first 2 sessions if I recall), attendance light compared to other years. Seeing as the new groundbreaking Mac video software package Final Cut Pro X is in my toolbox, this year I decided to try something completely different. Less captured images, more HD video for a project I decided to undertake, attempting to capture some of the special magic offered up by the BCTRA and the dedicate army of local racers. Unnamed as of yet, it has been quite the learning experience. The video part is easy as long as one keeps it simple, trying fancy Hollywood techniques, like extreme DOF in daylight using neutral density filters, maybe not the best idea. Slide tracks, again a cool effect, but a real PITA to drag around. The interviews presented a "whole-nother" challenge, like sound. Which bit me in the but all 4 nights. I got better at it but their is room for improvement. End state I shot less images, maybe less then 2K for the whole series compared to the 10K I shot at last years events. But captured over 2 hours of interviews, race and "B" roll segments. Enough for now, back to processing media from Friday night. 1385 stills 1 hr of DV video, 38 min of HD video. Lots of material to work with.
Gary Nixon RIP You will be missed by me and the local racing community.
(Note: Links to all my racing images can always be found at my FDPhotovideo Website)